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ChIMES feasibility study

Clinical study to find out whether it is practically feasible in daily care to use an oral score list that is completed by a child or parent when there is a risk of a sore mouth (oral mucositis) as a result of chemo- and/or radiotherapy
Who can enter
  • Children, and parents when the child is under 8 years old, being treated for cancer.
  • Age: 0-18 years.


The goal of this study is to find out whether it is practically feasible in daily care to use an oral score list (the so-called ChIMES) that is completed by a child or parent when there is a risk of a sore mouth (oral mucositis) as a result of chemo- and/or radiotherapy.


Oral mucositis is a common side effect of chemo- and/or radiotherapy. This can lead to problems with eating, drinking, talking, and swallowing, increased risk of infections due to the damaged mucous membranes, postponement of chemotherapy, and it can have an effect on the development of the teeth. In order to identify mucositis, we want to use an existing oral score list, the so called ChIMES (Children’s International Mucositis Evaluation Scale). We will check whether the ChIMES is easy to understand and use, and whether it is suitable and useful. Children, parents and paediatric (oncology) nurses will be asked about their experiences by means of an interview or questionnaire.

This study is now closed for inclusion.

Last reviewed

July 19, 2023