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Tirsa de Kluis

PhD student

Tailored dosing of chemotherapeutics for infants with ALL


In the first year of life many maturational changes take place. These changes can influence how a drug behaves in the body, the pharmacokinetics (PK). Because of these changes in the PK, it might be needed to dose drugs differently in children between the ages of 0 and 1 years old (infants). These dose adaptations can be based on PK models. My research aims to optimize the dosing of chemotherapeutics for infants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) using PK models.

  • Therapeutische geneesmiddelmonitoring van kinaseremmers in de kinderhemato-oncologie

    • sep. 2023
    • Tirsa, de Kluis, et al
    • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie
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