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Dr. Meta Diekstra


As a postdoc in the Huitema Group, I work on research projects aimed at the individual treatment of children with cancer based on insights into the pharmacology of the drug. In our research group we intend to describe the pharmacokinetics of new promising drugs and existing anti-cancer treatments. To further tailor the treatment to the unique childe, we study the pharmacogenetics of multiple treatments. We investigate whether we can predict how a child will respond to chemotherapy or supportive medication based on PK/PD profiles and genetic variants.

Knowledge & experience

Specialism / subspecialism:

  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Tyrosine kinase inhibitors
  • PK/PD/PGx studies


Working experience

2012-2017        Pharmacist/researcher, Leiden University Medical Center

2017-2021        Hospital pharmacist in training, Maastricht UMC/Zuyderland MC/Erasmus MC

2021-heden      Postdoctoral researcher, Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology, Utrecht   


2017     PhD (cum laude): ‘Pharmacogenetics of sunitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma’, Leiden University


2020-2021        Clinical Pharmacologist (ErasmusMC Rotterdam)

2017-2021        Hospital Pharmacist (Maastricht UMC/Zuyderland MC/Erasmus MC)

2012-2017        PhD research (Leiden University Medical Center)

2004-2012        Pharmacy BSc/MSc (University of Groningen)

BIG-registratie: 99916110017
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/metadiekstra/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9368-3650

Phone +31 6 50 00 62 89


  • De noodzaak voor hogere propofol doseringen na herhaalde sedaties voor invasieve procedures bij kinderen met acute lymfatische leukemie – een zorgevaluatie

    • nov. 2023
    • Jetske, Graafsma, et al
    • Pharmaceutische Weekblad Wetenschappelijk Platform
  • Therapeutische geneesmiddelmonitoring van kinaseremmers in de kinderhemato-oncologie

    • sep. 2023
    • Tirsa, de Kluis, et al
    • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie
  • Ernstig acute nierschade na high-dose methotrexaat bij een patiënt met polymorfismen in ABCB1 en ABCBG2

    • mrt. 2023
    • Emma, Bernsen, et al
    • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie (NTvO)
  • Genetic variants found in paediatric oncology patients with severe chemotherapy-induced toxicity

    • jan. 2023
    • E C, Bernsen, et al
    • Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
  • Practical recommendations for the manipulation of kinase inhibitor formulations to suitable pediatric dosage forms

    • dec. 2022
    • Emma, Bernsen, et al
    • Pharmaceutics
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