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Wim de Jonge

  • Single Cell Genomics

De dynamiek van transcriptiereguleringsmechanismen analyseren

  • Transcription factor clusters enable target search but do not contribute to target gene activation

    • jun. 2023
    • Joseph V W, Meeussen, et al
    • Nucleic acids research
  • Following the tracks

    • mei 2022
    • Wim J, de Jonge, et al
    • Biophysical Journal
  • Sequence-Directed Action of RSC Remodeler and General Regulatory Factors Modulates +1 Nucleosome Position to Facilitate Transcription

    • jul. 2018
    • Slawomir, Kubik, et al
    • Molecular Cell
  • Molecular mechanisms that distinguish TFIID housekeeping from regulatable SAGA promoters

    • feb. 2017
    • Wim J., de Jonge, et al
    • EMBO Journal
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